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2019 Rack daddy of the Year Contest

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It's that time of year again, the 2019 Rack Daddy of the Year contest! We're excited to be giving away over $700 in products this year and are pumped to see your submissions! 


Products Include:


Full Camo outfit from Slumberjack

SJK bag

Stealth Cam G45NG MAX Trail Camera

Rack Daddies Apparel 

Heated Hunts Products 

A+W Products 

TAP Stabilizer 

Hunt Perfect 

Bux Outdoors Apparel 


**note: some products listed are for the runner up


To be apart of this contest you MUST submit your form below with your picture. From there, if you are selected and posted onto our accounts, you must share the post to your page (not just your story) to be officially entered. We post 3-4 pictures a day from December 22nd through December 31st. The winner is then announced on January 3rd and will hail the title of Rack Daddy of the Year! You must be following us or like our page to be officially entered once posted. Thank you and best of luck!


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